Sports Day 2001 | Sep. 23 2001 |
1. Opening Address | 開会の言葉 | 1. Children's Entrance | 園児入場 |
2. Children's Entrance | 園児入場 | 2. Lowering of the Flag | 国旗降納 |
3. Children's Greeting | 園児代表あいさつ | 3. Distribution of Gifts and Medals | メダル授与 |
4. National Anthem | 国旗掲揚 | 4. Comments by the P.T.A. president | 父母の会会長挨拶 |
5. Greeting by the Director | 理事長あいさつ | and BANZAI SANSHO | 及び万歳三唱 |
6. Greeting by Our Special Guest | 来賓あいさつ | 5. Closing Address | 閉会のことば |
7. Warm-Up | 準備体操 |
1 | Competition(競技) | Foot Race(徒競走) | Angel Class |
2 | Competition(競技) | Foot Race(徒競走) | Noah Class |
3 | Competition(競技) | Foot Race(徒競走) | Comet Class |
4 | Competition(競技) | Foot Race(徒競走) | Pegasus Class |
5 | Dance(ダンス) | Hop Rabbit | Angel Class |
6 | Team Game(団技) | Paper,Scissors,Stone | Special Guests and Grandparents |
7 | Team Game(団技) | Truck Driver | Noah Class |
8 | Dance(ダンス) | Karma Chameleon | Mothers and Children |
9 | Competition(競技) | Foot Race(徒競走) | Children from the Audience |
10 | Team Game(団技) | Trolley , Slowly | Angel and Parents |
11 | Cheer Leading(チアリーダー応援) | Respect ! | Comet and Pegasus Girls |
12 | Dance(ダンス) | MAMBO NO.5 | Noah Class |
13 | Team Game(団技) | Obstacle Race(障害物競走) | Comet and Pegasus Class |
14 | Competition(競技) | Relay(リレー) | Noah Class |
15 | Team Game(親子団技) | Three-Legged Race(二人三脚) | Noah,Comet,Pegasus and Parents |
16 | Competition(競技) | Relay(リレー) | Parents and Teachers |
17 | Dance(ダンス) | Club Disney | Comet and Pegasus Class |
18 | Competition(競技) | Relay(リレー) | Comet Class |
19 | Competition(競技) | Relay(リレー) | Pegasus Class |
Entrance Every child 's name is called one by one. 一人ずつ名前が呼ばれます |
Relay Every body is so excited ! 全力疾走 ! |
Obstacle Race Enjoy and excite ! みんな真剣です |
Dance-Club Disney Beautiful and so Great ! 本日1番の感動の演技 |
Cheer Wow ! Miss Universe ! かわいい演技にみんな元気づけられます。 |
Distribution They are given medals and presents. 頑張った!表彰! 卒園生にとっては最後のSPORTS DAYでしたね。たのしい思い出がたくさんできたことと思います。 |